LINIS at the DIALOG-2016
LINIS research workers took part at the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies, which was held in Moscow on June 1-4.
Outstanding Russian linguists, engineers, and experts in automatic processing of language and business participate annually in the Conference to make an assessment of the level of the Russian computational linguistics and to determine the ways of its development.
Olessia Koltsova, Svetlana Bodrunova, Svetlana Alekseeva and Sergei Koltsov presented their reports on the sentiment analysis of social media texts: «An Opinion Word Lexicon and a Training Dataset for Russian Sentiment Analysis of Social Media».
We are pleased to inform that LINIS lexicon developed by our laboratory for sentiment analysis of Internet documents was included by the conference organizers into the competition program of traditional contest Dialog Evaluation along with other scientists’ works in the sphere of sentiment analysis.
Full version of report can be found via the link bellow: