Emotions vs rationality: SPbU International conference on comparative media studies
LINIS team took part in VI International Conference on Comparative Media Studies in Today’s World, which held on 17-19 April at High School of Journalism and Media Communication SPbU.

Data Science for everybody!
Sergei Koltsov, the IT-director of LINIS, took a part in intensive seminar, which was held in the office of Yandex in Moscow on June 14-15.
Challenges of the modern Age and the analytics avenues of Network science
October 26-29 VI Annual Winter School “Actual Sociology and Challenges of modern Age: new trends in theory and methods” was held in Saint-Petersburg State University.
Web Science-2017 in Saint-Petersburg!
We are happy to congratulate our colleagues on winning in WSTNet Web science Summer School competitive proposal procedure!
Trends in the area of “Platform society”
Yuri Rykov, the Research Fellow of LINIS, presented his report at International conference The Internet, Policy & Politics in Oxford University.
Social Media & Society, London, Piccadilly and Guiness
Yuri Rykov, junior researcher at the laboratory for Internet studies, made a report at the annual International conference Social Media & Society which was held in London in July 11-13, 2016.
Why a Student Needs to Participate in ECPR General Conference
Deadline for application to ECPR Conference is in January, so it’s high time to think about submitting a project. Nora Kirkizh, research assistant at LINIS, told us about her trip to this conference and explained why students just have to participate in it.

On August 24-28, 2015, the St. Petersburg campus of the Higher School of Economics hosted the 9th Russian Summer School on Information Retrieval. LINIS was the local organizers, and the event was sponsored by Yandex, Mail.Ru, Google, JetBrains, Rambler, RFBR, ESF, and HSE.