International Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics (SCILA)
Great news! The Social and Cognitive Informatics Laboratory (SCILA) was established as a successor of the Laboratory for Internet Studies (LINIS) and builds upon its team and some of its previous research. Its founding international supervisor is Prof. Steffen Staab, the head of the Institute of Web Science and Technologies (WeST) as of the time of SCILA establishment.
LINIS at CyberPsychology Conference
LINIS staff took a part in 22nd Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference (CyPsy22), which was held on June 26-28 in the University of Wolverhampton (UK).
Web Science-2017 in Saint-Petersburg!
We are happy to congratulate our colleagues on winning in WSTNet Web science Summer School competitive proposal procedure!
Trends in the area of “Platform society”
Yuri Rykov, the Research Fellow of LINIS, presented his report at International conference The Internet, Policy & Politics in Oxford University.
Digital face of Saint-Petersburg
Pictures in the social network sites Instagram provide many personal information: who are friends of you, what do you eat, how do you prefer to relax and so on. People pictorialize the surrounding, in particular, the city environment. The participants of Summer School «Digital Traces I: Meta-Morphologies of St. Petersburg» made an attempt to analyze in which way city folk construct the digital “face” of city in their own Instagram-accounts.
The Summer School on methods of research in the field of network analysis has been held in the International Laboratory Network Analysis (HSE, Moscow) for 6 years. This summer the intern-researcher of LINIS Yadviga Sinyavskaya participated in the work of the summer school held from1 to 5 August 2016 in Moscow.
Social Media & Society, London, Piccadilly and Guiness
Yuri Rykov, junior researcher at the laboratory for Internet studies, made a report at the annual International conference Social Media & Society which was held in London in July 11-13, 2016.

On August 24-28, 2015, the St. Petersburg campus of the Higher School of Economics hosted the 9th Russian Summer School on Information Retrieval. LINIS was the local organizers, and the event was sponsored by Yandex, Mail.Ru, Google, JetBrains, Rambler, RFBR, ESF, and HSE.
Reports of LINIS Fellows Included in the Working Paper Series of XV April Conference HSE
The working paper series of XV April International Conference about the problems in the economy and societyhas been published. The conference is been organized by the National Research University - Higher School of Economicsjointly with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund for 15 years. This year it was held from 1 to 4 April 2014 in Moscow.
Post-Doctoral Research position in the Lab
Laboratory for Internet Studies, Higher School of Economics, is happy to announce a new postdoc position for the year 2015/16, application deadline: March 31, 2015