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Program Conference



Joint event




“New Media: Changing Media Landscapes”

Higher School of Economics

16 Soyuza Pechatnikov St.

St. Petersburg, Russia

 27-28 September 2012

Sessions: room 301

Coffee breaks: room 309

Lunches: university canteen, ground floor


Thursday, 27 September


Conference Opening


Keynote Speech

Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, Oxford Internet Institute,UK




Session 1. Political activism in the on-line era

Chair: Marc Smith

  • Olessia Koltsova, Internet Studies Lab, Higher School of Economics.

Protests, Elections and more: Mapping the Agenda and Discussion Communities of the Russian-language Blogosphere

  • Elizaveta Gaufman,University of Tübingen,Germany.

Blogosphere as a Natural Habitat for Analysis of Human Behavior




Session 2. Studying new media users

Chair: Gunnar Nygren

  • Oscar  Westlund, Department of Journalism, Media and Communication,University of Gothenburg,Sweden and  DMC Research Group, IT University of Copenhagen,Denmark.
  • Mathias A. Färdigh, Department of Journalism, Media and Communication,University of Gothenburg,Sweden.

Generational News Accessing in a New Media Landscape

  • Crister Lie, Royal School of Technology, Sweden.

Advertisement Models for Tablets

  • Sergey Davydov, Faculty of media communications, Higher School of Economics, Russia.

Ordinary Cinema Criticism as a Phenomenon of Social Media Communications




Session 3. Theorizing transmedia

Chair: Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon

  • Ilya Kiria, Faculty of media communications, Higher School of Economics, Russia.

Political Isolation within Russian Public Sphere: the Role of New Media

  • Renira Rampazzo Gambarato,University of Tallinn Baltic Film and Media School, Estonia.

How to Analyze Transmedia Narratives?

  • Mark Smith, Connected Actions, USA
Charting Collections of Connections in Socia Media: Creating Maps and Measures with NodeXL




Friday, 28 September


Keynote Speech

Vlad Strukov,University of Leeds,UK.

New Borders of Transnational Television: Theorizing Post-Broadcast Media


Session 4. Television in the new media era

Chair: Sergey Davydov

  • Andres Joeasaar,University of Tallinn Baltic Film and Media School,Estonia.

Digital Crossroads – Baltic Public Service Broadcasters Turning into Public Service Media.

  • Jan Olof Gullö,Södertörn University,Sweden.

Aspects on Future Television: an Experiment on how to Produce Readability and Perceived Comprehensibility in a Sport Television Broadcast




Session 5. Studying new media producers

Chair: Vlad Strukov

  • Elena Degtereva,Södertörn University,Sweden.

Journalists’ Blogging as an Extension of Professional Communication

  • Gunnar Nugren and Karin Stigbrand,Södertörn University,Sweden.

Journalistic Cultures around the Baltic – in the Eyes of Journalism Students

  • Alicija Gniewek, Interdisciplinary Centre for Security Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg.

Media in the Cloud:New World Shaped between Technology and Law.




Session 6. Media convergence

Chair: Ilya Kiria

  • João Canavilhas, Universidade da Beira Interior, Dep. de Comunicação eArtes COVILHÃ,Portugal.

Contents Convergence: Case Study at the Portuguese Media

  • Elena Yagunova, Irina Krylova, Anna Savina & Lidia Pivovarova, St.-Petersburg
State University, University of Helsinki; Russia – Finland.

Media texts of “Russian snow revolution”: Computational experiments and intuition of linguists

  • Yury Rykov, Internet Studies Lab, HSE – St.Petersburg, Russia

Virtual Community as a Social Field: New Dimension of Social Inequality

  • Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech, Division of Social Communication and Media,UniversitySchoolof Physical Education inWroclaw,Poland. (teleconference)
Media Innovations in Polish Creative Industries. Examples of Micro and Small New Media Enterprises


Boat trip


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