Digital face of Saint-Petersburg
Pictures in the social network sites Instagram provide many personal information: who are friends of you, what do you eat, how do you prefer to relax and so on. People pictorialize the surrounding, in particular, the city environment. The participants of Summer School «Digital Traces I: Meta-Morphologies of St. Petersburg» made an attempt to analyze in which way city folk construct the digital “face” of city in their own Instagram-accounts.
Social Media & Society, London, Piccadilly and Guiness
Yuri Rykov, junior researcher at the laboratory for Internet studies, made a report at the annual International conference Social Media & Society which was held in London in July 11-13, 2016.

LINIS held public lectures for online research
The course "Online Research", which is leaded by director of the Laboratory of Internet Studies O. Koltsov for undergraduate students, held a series of public lectures on the research of the Internet industry.
Konstantin Vorontsov: Additive regularization of topic models
September 11, 2014, Laboratory for Internet Studies hosted an academic seminar “Additive regularisation of topic models” with Konstantin Vorontsov.