Congratulation our colleague on winning a contest!
Oleg Nagornyy, research intern of LINIS, took the premier place in the contest of best master thesis, which is annually arranged by VCIOM.
LINIS staff took a part in the Second International Conference “Digital transformation & Global society” (DTGS’17), which was held in Saint-Petersburg on June 21-23.

Data Science for everybody!
Sergei Koltsov, the IT-director of LINIS, took a part in intensive seminar, which was held in the office of Yandex in Moscow on June 14-15.
Research seminar in LINIS
The methodical seminar on the interdisciplinary approach to analysis of social media and social networking sites was held in LINIS on May 17.
We are happy to announce annual Web Science Summer School 2017!
The Summer School Web Science-2017 will be held in St.Petersburg, Russia, on July 1-8 2017.
Pre-Christmas digest of articles of LINIS
A series of articles of LINIS were published in proceedings of AINL FRUCT-2016 conference.
Russian-Chinese collaboration
The head of the Laboratory for Internet studies Olessia Koltsova returned from the journey to China.
Destructive networks and "groups of death"
Increasing attention is paid to so-called “groups of death”, which have spread in Internet, especially in Social Network Sites. What caused the interest of adolescents to these online-communities? How to protect children from this threat? These and other issues were discussed in a live-program "Project-2015" on the channel Saint-Petersburg, where Yuri Rykov acted as invited expert.
Staff of LINIS presented their papers at the International conference Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language-2016 (AINL) held 10-12 November in Saint-Petersburg (Russia).
Challenges of the modern Age and the analytics avenues of Network science
October 26-29 VI Annual Winter School “Actual Sociology and Challenges of modern Age: new trends in theory and methods” was held in Saint-Petersburg State University.