New publication: "'Livejournal Libra!' The influence of politicalblogosphere on political mobilisation in Russia in 2011-12."
The results of LINIS Laboratory Head Olessia Koltsova and LCSR Senior Researcher Andrey Shcherbak recent collaboration were published in the New Media&Society journal; the paper title is “'Livejournal Libra!' The influence of political blogosphere on political mobilisation in Russia in 2011-12."
LINIS participants at ICBDA 2015
The International Conference on Big Data and its Applications (ICBDA) took place on September 18, 2015, in Moscow; the conference, as the name suggests, is devoted to the rapidly growing field of big data analysis.

On August 24-28, 2015, the St. Petersburg campus of the Higher School of Economics hosted the 9th Russian Summer School on Information Retrieval. LINIS was the local organizers, and the event was sponsored by Yandex, Mail.Ru, Google, JetBrains, Rambler, RFBR, ESF, and HSE.
LINIS Employee Goes to a Graduate School in Europe
Research Intern Galina Selivanova was accepted to the PhD programme at Scuola Normale Superiore.
Our congratulations to Sergei Nikolenko and Yury Rykov who have been awarded 2-year scholarships for publications in the international peer-reviewed high-rank journals.
July 23 HSE Academic Fund announced the results!
Sergei Koltcov on computational social science and topic modeling
Computational social science is to design better societies. That is what Alex Pentland, the founder of MIT Media Lab said in his keynote speech at the most representative conference on computational social science organized by Aalto university in Helsinki in June 2015. “We were extremely lucky to have been accepted to this conference, said Sergei Koltcov, deputy director of LINIS.
Reports of LINIS Fellows Included in the Working Paper Series of XV April Conference HSE
The working paper series of XV April International Conference about the problems in the economy and societyhas been published. The conference is been organized by the National Research University - Higher School of Economicsjointly with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund for 15 years. This year it was held from 1 to 4 April 2014 in Moscow.
Post-Doctoral Research position in the Lab
Laboratory for Internet Studies, Higher School of Economics, is happy to announce a new postdoc position for the year 2015/16, application deadline: March 31, 2015

LINIS held public lectures for online research
The course "Online Research", which is leaded by director of the Laboratory of Internet Studies O. Koltsov for undergraduate students, held a series of public lectures on the research of the Internet industry.